Week 1
As we’ve just started the lecture of intelligent system class, I learned lots of new things about artificial intelligence and the basic knowledge of it. As I don’t really know anything about artificial intelligence, I knew that artificial intelligence is a program that could think and work by the data that was given in order to improve themselves. Furthermore, we are asked to create our group for our project which will be given to us next session. For the future, I wish to know more about artificial intelligence and how they could learn by themselves and how to code the program so I can try and create my own bot.
Week 2
During this session, we are learning about the search algorithm that we had studied before which are the Breadth First Search (BFS) and the Depth First Search (DFS). We learned about the difference of both searches and needed to identify which one is more efficient in which cases. Furthermore, my group which consists of Amartya and me, had no idea about what project that we are going to make for this course.
Week 3
In week 3, we learned about the local search algorithm which consists of how to calculate simulated annealing and genetic algorithm with some examples of it. Furthermore for my group project, my friend and I have decided what to make which is the Artificial Intelligence that could detect vegetables using camera and decide what to cook instantly while knowing the recipes of various foods.
Week 4
In week 4, we learned about the minimax algorithm and the alpha beta pruning. I learned on how to implement it into a game which lets me know the theory behind it so it will be easier for me to code it. Also, I learned about the tree structure of the minimax algorithm with the pruning and did some examples of the questions given. Furthermore for my group project, my friend and I have not decided yet on what library to use to develop our final project hence we have no progress yet since the third week.
Week 5
In week 5, we learned about the naive bayes algorithm which is quite similar to the probability that we learned at high school. Also, I learned and do some assignment that the lecturer gave to check on the probability of what would happen in the question. For my project, I don’t really know yet what library that we will use but we have decided about the topic of the project.
Week 6
In week 6, I learned about k means clustering and draw the dot graph in excel while doing the assignment that was given. We searched by using the euclidean theory to do the clustering to find the right answer. There is no progress yet for my project now because we are still busy with other subjects as well.
Week 7
In week 7, I learned about apriori algorithm which checked the probability of the combination that is fulfilling the requirements percentage. We made the assignment in this week as well and submitted it through google forms. For our group project, there is no progress yet and we just discussed about the topic and we think that we might use TensorFlow for our project to determine the items from a picture.